A pile without the right balance will result in a slower breakdown. The best way to ensure a fast breakdown of materials is to keep your compost pile in a mostly perfect balance: equal parts nitrogen and carbon, and some moisture to help the process.
If you’re looking for how to compost grass clippings quickly, you may not find your answer.

Because dried-out yard clippings are considered to be a brown source instead of green, you could easily alternate when you add the clippings. When adding these to the compost pile, be sure to add a similar amount of a brown source (such as dry leaves or old, dried-out yard clippings).

Ideally, you want a balanced mixture of nitrogen and carbon, and enough water to give the pile some moisture, but not so much that it gets soggy.įreshly cut yard clippings are a green source, meaning they’ll increase the amount of nitrogen in your compost pile. Every successful compost pile needs three things: nitrogen sources (greens), carbon sources (browns), and water.

Knowing how to compost grass clippings starts with understanding what makes up a compost pile. If you’re interested in adding a rich source to your compost pile, though, press on! Know what kind of grass clippings you’re using You should know that composting isn’t your only solution! We’ll talk about some other options later on, but as long as you’re cutting your lawn regularly, leftover grass clippings won’t pose any threat to new growth and can simply be left alone to naturally decompose however, if you’ve waited longer than usual to cut your grass this time and it’s a good deal taller, you’ll want to remove a decent amount of clippings to avoid smothering the grass underneath. Paula GC/Shutterstock Do you have to remove grass clippings? Know what kind of grass clippings you’re using.