Spinal cord stimulator permanent restrictions
Spinal cord stimulator permanent restrictions

spinal cord stimulator permanent restrictions

I would never want my daughter to see me in that state, or my wife. I see that as a gift despite the financial consequences.The alternative is depression and solitude. As a father I was able to spend more time with my daughter and be her primary care providor her entire life.

#Spinal cord stimulator permanent restrictions full

I look at things from a positve perspective, the glass is half full rather than half empty. It's no different than any addict that chooses that way of life despite all consequences. There are people that are in the same position as your friend that are willing to live that way. Ive watched the use of opiates double and triple over the years as far as general use in PM or by GP's thinking they are qualified to treat chronic pain with the most potent opiates ever available to man. I still crunch and squeek with every step, but it's tolerable more often than not. But nothing touches the pain when the screws pull out and I get stuck in some twisted position.

spinal cord stimulator permanent restrictions

I have so much nerve damge now, the areas of my legs that were once on fire are now numb so I wouldn't be a candidate for an SCS. I had truly tried everything else from self hypnosis, guided imagry, acupuncture, TENS, TINS, cognative therapy, multiple pain clincs where I spent 8 hours a day in their program for 30 days and all the non opiate methods simply didn't work. The last surgery was in 99 and left me bed wridden for a year before a PM doc offered me pain meds. I had my first back surgery fail one month before she was born, then a couple more longer and longer fusion revisons over the next 7 years that failed. I'm married and have an 18 year old daughter and I would never allow my daughter to see me live that kind of life. Sure, I could get my doc to increrase the meds to the point your friend is, but having a clear mind and being able to function at the level I can is something I'm truly greatful for. It sounds like your friend is using meds to kill the emotional pain and crossed the line from something helping to something hindering. Once a working dose was reached I began excercising daily, lost 50 lbs and returned to work part time. If someone is unwilling to except 50% relief and continually talks their doc into increasing and increasing this can happen, But for me, the biggest change from oral meds to the pump was cognative clarity. My experience has been quite the oposite of what your friend had. I suffered to the point that I had my first heart attack due to High BP from pain on my 36th Bday. I also suffered tremendously through 3 failed fusions for a decade. I had my first pump implanted about 8 years. Hi Snowis, Im sorry your friend with the pump made such a negative impression regarding pumps and meds.

Spinal cord stimulator permanent restrictions